December 17, 2018
CANDY GRAMS… Student Council is selling Candy Cane Grams through this Wednesday for $1.00. Students can buy a gram for their friends or siblings to be delivered on the Thursday before our winter break. If parents are wishing to buy a Candy Cane Gram for their child, they are for sale in the office.
CHIPS FOR KIDS… We’ve extended the dates and there’s still time to bring in a new unwrapped toy to brighten up a child’s holiday! Drop off in Big Red Barrel in the office by end of school day, Wednesday, December 19! Thank you for helping others!
LOST & FOUND… YOUR STUFF MISSES YOU!!! Please stop by the Bears’ Lair to claim your Lost & Found items before the end of school, Friday, December 21. Any items not picked up will be donated to a local charity.
IMPORTANT REMINDER… The last of day of school before Winter Break, Friday, December 21, is a PLC Monday schedule with students getting out at 1:43 pm. Please make arraignments to have your child picked up in a timely manner. Thank you.
WINTER BREAK… December 24 – January 7
New Flyers have been added to After School Enrichment and Community Events! See link to the right under related links.