January 8, 2019
A BIG THANK YOU to Mr. Ryan Harrell of Gemini Cabinet, Inc. for donating $500 AGAIN this year to our school library! Blue Oaks will be able to purchase many new and exciting titles with this contribution, as well as replace some older books that have seen better days. We can’t thank Mr. Harrell enough for this incredibly generous donation!
RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR… Parents of students that are brand new to Blue Oaks this year will need to create a parent portal account using information that will be sent home with your student this week.
If your student attended Blue Oaks prior to this year, you will use the login info and password that you already created and have been using to complete the returning student registration.
For parents of students currently in the 5th grade and entering Middle School for the 2019-2020 school year, you will still need to complete the returning student registration process. The school site will automatically change to the designated Middle School at the end of the current school year.
In addition, if your 5th grade student is currently on an INTRA-DISTRICT transfer you will need to submit a new INTRA-DISTRICT transfer request to attend the Middle School within the Blue Oaks boundaries. Otherwise your student will revert to their home Middle School.
ATTENTION PARENTS… For a limited time, adult sized Lion King t-shirts are available for purchase in the office. The cost is $10 each (checks payable to Blue Oaks PTC – Musical or exact change only). The following sizes are what we have available for purchase, 1 – Adult XXL, 2 – Adult XL, 5 – Adult Large, 10 - Adult Medium & 5 – Adult Small. These are on a first come, first served basis so get yours while they’re still available.
CHOIR… Reminder that Choir will not start up again until Tuesday, January 22 at 7:45 am.