March 2020 Latest News
Welcome March!
Spring is in the air and so is the pollen! Parents, please do not send allergy medications to school with students. If your student needs medication throughout the day please click HERE for information on medications in school.
Mrs. Peterson’s Maternity Leave Update…
Good afternoon Blue Oaks Families!
While I am getting ready to transition off to maternity leave and Mr. Kikosicki is preparing for interim principal, I wanted to keep you all updated on the changes coming. My last day this school year will be Friday, March 20th. Mr. Kikosicki will be our interim principal starting on Monday, March 23rd. Should you need to reach him at any time his email address is Susan Wells, our Admin Secretary, is also available to assist as needed. Your students will be in good hands as Mr. K and I have been working closely together in order to prepare for this transition.
It has been a great school year and I look forward to seeing you all next year. While our family is very excited to meet our new sweet girl, I will miss working with your students and families each and every day. Finish this last trimester of the school year strong and have a wonderful summer full of sunshine, family time, and laughter!
Mrs. Peterson
Spring Forward!
Don’t forget to change your clocks for Daylight Savings Time this Sunday, March 8, 2020!
Save the date…
For Blue Oaks’ first annual Community Showcase, formerly known as Open House on Thursday, April 16 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Additional information to come about this exciting new fun-filled evening!
Spring 2020 Book Fair
The Spring Book Fair will be taking place April 15th - 22nd.
Monthly Housekeeping…
Please check the Blue Oaks Community online calendar for information on events that are happening each month before calling the school office.
When calling in a students absence, choose option 1 for the attendance mailbox to leave a message and include the following information: students first and last name, teachers name, name of person calling and relationship to the student, date of absence and reason for absence. Thank you.
Reminder, we are using a new check in system in the office. If you have not already had your valid drivers license scanned, you will need to do so before entering the Blue Oaks campus. Once scanned you only need to check in to receive a badge before entering the campus. Parents that have received workroom training at the beginning of the school year and have a permanent badge, check in with Susan. All others must check in with Kristen. And don’t forget to check out and add your temporary badge to our ever growing ball of badges. Thank you for helping us with the safety of all students and staff.