Blue Oaks Nature Bowl Team Applications Due October 29
Nature Bowl is an annual science based educational program for 4th & 5th graders that increases ecological knowledge and conservation literacy. In team settings, students eagerly learn about the environment while building teamwork skills and sharpening their creative and critical thinking abilities. Blue Oaks will send a team of up to 9 fourth grade students and a team of up to 9 fifth grade students coached by Mrs. Wells. The participants need to attend after school meetings on Thursdays from 3:00-4:00 pm November – April.
How to Become a Team Member
Turn in application and essay to Mrs. Wells by October 29, 2018.
Once the application is received, student will receive a study guide for a test on October 30, 2018.
Top 9 scores in fourth grade and top 9 scores in fifth grade on the test and essay will be invited to participate