

Why Blue Oaks?

Welcome to the Blue Oaks Elementary School website and thank you for visiting.

Each member of our school staff looks forward to working with you to maximize your child’s educational experiences. We will devote all of our expertise and energy to establish a  safe, nurturing and academically challenging learning environment for each and every student at Blue Oaks Elementary – a California Distinguished School!


S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Education

Welcome to Blue Oaks Elementary School!  We are very proud of the opportunities we offer our Blue Oaks Bears.  Blue Oaks is a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) focused school.  This focus allows Blue Oaks to further improve on the academic opportunities that are offered to our students.  

Some highlights of our STEAM-based education can be viewed by clicking any of the pods on the right.


English Learners

  1. How is my child identified as an English Learner?

  2. Why is my child identified as Initial Fluent English Proficient or IFEP?

  3. What is Reclassified to Fluent English Proficient or RFEP?

  4. What is ELD?

  5. What is an English Learner?

  6. What is the CELDT and why does my child take this test?

  7. What does the CELDT assessment tell you?

  8. What is ELAC?

  9. What is the DELAC?



The Blue Oaks library provides a space for students to grow their literacy skills and gain a lifelong love of reading!

You can find library resources by browsing the links on this page.